Wednesday, September 30, 2009

High School is Hell

The article, "High School is Hell", shows how the show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, uses metaphors to relate the show to things that affect us in the real world. All the metaphors in the show relate to how teenagers feel in high school and the challenges that they face. After I watched the show the first time, I didn't pick up on any of these metaphors that were explained in the article. I did think it was ironic that during the show, even though Buffy is always fighting the demons and vampires, she makes going to high school look harder. There are so many social issues in high school that she just doesn't have to deal with when she is fighting the bad guys. This article shows the viewers that going to high school isn't easy, but if Buffy can do it, so can they.

Buffy's Beginnings

Last night I watched the pilot episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The pilot episode is about Buffy realizing who she is and what she was born to do. After moving to a new school, Buffy just wants to be a normal teenager. Even though she was chosen as the "vampire slayer", she tries to run from her destiny. She tells the librarian, who knows who she is, that she just isn't interested in being a slayer anymore. As the episode progresses, Buffy starts to realize that she can't just stop being the slayer that she was born to be. The most interesting part of this episode is when Buffy goes to a club with the other kids from her high school, and runs into the librarian again who tells her to point out the vampires in the club. Buffy immediately points out the vampire who is talking to her new friend, Willow. When Willow leaves the club with the vampire, Buffy realizes what she has to do. This is when Buffy's protective nature comes out. She immediately starts searching for Willow. When she finds Willow, she ushers all the students out of immediate danger by putting herself between the vampires and the students. She then risks her life to save them. This part of the episode is very important because Buffy finally realizes that she can't run from this job, and that it will always be a part of her life.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Magazines for Teens

When I stand in the checkout line at the supermarket, I always pass my time by grabbing a magazine. As I skim through the titles, I always seem to grab the same type of magazines. I always find myself reading and rereading the latest Seventeen or Cosmo Girl Magazines. As a reader, I always seem to gravitate toward a certain kind of material. Seventeen and Cosmo Girl Magazines are probably two of my favorite magazines to read. The reason I always pick them isn’t because of who’s on the cover, what cute clothes they are showing me this month or what coupons they could possibly have inside of them, it’s the content that they offer the reader. These magazines have my favorite type of articles in them, true life stories. The stories are written about teenagers, for teenagers. As a reader, I can often relate the stories back to something in my own life, which is why I like them so much. They show you that it’s possible to do things like cope with pressure being put on you from your parents, teachers and coaches. Even the articles that I can’t relate to my life are very informative and useful. I can always learn something new from them. These magazines cover topics like teen depression, sex, hazing, bullying, eating disorders, being a college freshman and many, many other things as well. Not only are the articles informative, but they also make me feel very fortunate to have never had to deal with these types of things when I was growing up. I would have to recommend that teenage girls read these magazines so they can learn the same things I have learned from them.

Monday, September 28, 2009


I finally made myself watch the episode of Serenity today. I was dreading this assignment all weekend and put it off as long as i could. When I finally did start watching it today, after the first 15 minutes or so, I knew I would be completely bored with the episode. After about 40 minutes, this didn't seem to be the case anymore. It wasn't the kind of sci-fi that I expected. As more character were introduced, the plot thickened and I found it a little more enjoyable.

My favorite part in this episode was probably the climax of the episode. The mole was discovered on the ship, and then the doctor's sister was found in the container he brought on board. I thought this was the most interesting part of the episode because everything kind of fell into place once this happened. The reason for the mole was explained and the episode seemed to gain momentum. After this happened I found that I enjoyed the episode. I believe that after watching the first episode, I wouldn't mind watching another.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

All About Me

My name is Kristina Marion and I'm a freshmen at The Ohio State University majoring in chemical engineering. I'm also in the Mount Leadership Society Scholars program here at Ohio State. My hometown is Tipp City, Ohio, which is about 20 minutes north of Dayton. I graduated from Bethel High School where I played varisty soccer for 4 years, was in the National Honor Society for 3 years and vice president for 1 of those years, was on the newspaper staff for 4 years and also ran track for 3 years. My favorite color is purple, my favorite sport to play is soccer and my favorite sport to watch is Ohio State football. I like pretty much like all music except rap, but I'd have to say my favorite it pop or country and I love Taylor Swift and Yellowcard.