Monday, September 28, 2009


I finally made myself watch the episode of Serenity today. I was dreading this assignment all weekend and put it off as long as i could. When I finally did start watching it today, after the first 15 minutes or so, I knew I would be completely bored with the episode. After about 40 minutes, this didn't seem to be the case anymore. It wasn't the kind of sci-fi that I expected. As more character were introduced, the plot thickened and I found it a little more enjoyable.

My favorite part in this episode was probably the climax of the episode. The mole was discovered on the ship, and then the doctor's sister was found in the container he brought on board. I thought this was the most interesting part of the episode because everything kind of fell into place once this happened. The reason for the mole was explained and the episode seemed to gain momentum. After this happened I found that I enjoyed the episode. I believe that after watching the first episode, I wouldn't mind watching another.

1 comment:

  1. Isnt it funny how everyone in class felt the same way! I really did not want to watch the show either, And with having a little baby that makes it hard for me to sit and watch a show that is so long! I think it took me like 4 hours or something to get through the whole thing LOL
