Friday, December 4, 2009


Farscape was exactly the kind of sci-fi that I expected to be watching this entire quarter. It had the space ships, aliens, and a very boring plot (as far as I was concerned). I found myself bored to tears after about 5 minutes of watching the show. I thought it might be interesting for about 2 minutes, and then next thing I know there were a bunch of aliens and I had no clue what was going on. The only part I found even remotely interesting was that first 2 minutes because of the relationship that the father and son seemed to share. He said he was proud of his son and genuinely seemed to care about him. I feel like you don't see that relationship often. After the first 2 minutes I wasn't really sure who were the good guys and who were the bad guys in this show anymore. Naturally, I found myself zoned out about 15 minutes into the show.

Overall Farscape ranks last out of all of the sci-fi that I watched this quarter. I really prefer the sci-fi that involves vampires it seems. I guess that's because I'm such a big twilight fan. I think Farscape was a lot different than all the other shows we watched. I expected it to be a lot like either BSG or Star Trek but I think it had little in common. I feel like the only thing it had in common with BSG was that the aliens were the bad guys. This show definitely did not even compare to my favorite show from this quarter, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

1 comment:

  1. I would rank Farscape last too; I just didn't like it at all haha
