Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Problems with My Paper

One of the problems I'm having with my paper is just the introduction. Yesterday in class I came up with part of an introduction that said, "Joss Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a great portrayal of the typical high school relationship. The episode, "When She Went Bad", shows the viewer, by using metaphors such as vampires, all the different kinds of tihngs that ruin high school relationships such as the one between Xander and Willow." I want to talk about internal and external conflicts in my paper but I'm not quite sure how to add that in to the introduction.

Another problem that I'm having is length. I'm not sure how to make my paper 7-8 pages long without repeating myself and adding irrelevant information. I think if I find another source and add it into my paper it might help a little bit with this issue. I haven't had much time to revise my paper yet, but once I work on it more I think most of my other problems will be solved.


  1. Length seems to be an issue for some people, myself included but I feel like the more you research and are able to understand your topic, the more ink should appear on your paper. The introduction is also a tough one to perfect and is frustrating when you can't get it right because it slows the progress of the rest of the paper.

  2. I would focus more on the intro right now because the intro is what turns people on or off. I hope it all works out!

  3. I think the lenth problem is easily to solve, if you fully express your idea.

  4. I am also having issues with the length of my paper. It is hard trying to go into details, but I am typing away and it is helping. Try it and also focus on your intro because that would definitely be helpful.

  5. I always learned to start the introduction with a quote. Something to grab the reader's attention and help relate your points to something real life.

  6. Yeah I'm also finding it hard to get to 7 or 8 pages. Try to look for some more sources becasue that semed to help me think of ideas for my paper. Another way is to find a quote that you really like and explain it in a lot of detail.

  7. I would definately try and find another secondary source. I was having a similar problem with mine (dealing with making it 7-8 pages). Once I found an additional source though, it added another page and one half. I'd say give it a shot. It couldn't hurt and it will probably make your paper longer and stronger.

  8. You mentioned wanting to talk about internal and external conflicts, Did Xander and Willow have any of these in their relationship? If so, that would be somewhere to start. For example, If Willow was having some sort of internal conflict at the time, then maybe that would be a reason that the external conflict started. Does that make sense?

  9. I feel like length is a problem in my paper. And I agree with Sam, the more you research and are able to understand your topic, the longer your paper should be. The introduction is a way to add length. Discribe in detail how your paper is going to be and grap your readers attention from the start.

  10. When writing an intro, it might be a good idea to introduce the general idea of what your paper is going to be about, and then add more specifics from the episode as you continue on your introduction. If you are having trouble with the length, you may want to consider adding another secondary source or search for more important scenes from your episode. If you are struggling with the length, you may not have enough supporting evidence.

  11. If you go to Leslie's office, she has a bunch of Buffy books that could really help you out! I think I copied 7 or 8 chapters just from one book!

  12. It might help to find another source to support it. That way you wont have to repeat yourself and you'll have more facts to back up your paper

  13. I wouldn't introduce the internal/external conflicts till later in the paper. No need to give everything away in the first paragraph.

  14. Internal/external conflicts are a pretty specific topic so it might be better to introduce this a little later in the paper, after a few other points are developed.

  15. You're definitely not the only one struggling to stretch the paper 7-8 pages. I'm in the process of doing the same thing and it's tough. One thing that's sort of helping me is using my sources more than once, and trying to use the sources to support one another. So, when you use one source to support your thesis, maybe take some time to note how that source relates to another source you already used in the paper.

  16. Confucious say: I have pondered over many cups of tea about your dillema, and I come to conclusion: right after mentioning high school relationships in Buffy, just come out and talk about those internal and external conflicts. ANd about problem 2, Wise Leslie can help you re-structure paragraphs like she did for me, and that helped give much length

  17. Internal and external conflicts are universal themes, maybe you could but that into a universal statement.
