Sunday, November 22, 2009

BSG Miniseries

This was not at all what I was expecting. I thought this show would be somewhat similar to Star trek, but I was definitely wrong. The entire show didn't take place in space as I expected it to. Instead it took place on what I believe was planet earth. There were no space monsters per say, just normal humans for the most part. Even the cylons were in human form.
I thought there were several very interesting things about this show. The first was when number 6 killed the baby. I didn't quite understand why she did this, and I thought it was unnecessary and that it was also very disturbing. The second thing that I thought was interesting was number 6 and her power over men. She seemed very manipulative. I think this was a good portrayal of many women in the real world, because they can often have this affect on men, but the sex scenes were definitely not needed either. The next thing that I thought was interesting was the cylons attack on the planet. This seemed very similar to 9/11 to me. No one was expecting it and they didn't know what to do. Everything was pure chaos when the attack started. I think the people on this ship handled the attack very well though. They seemed to stay very calm and cool headed.
Overall, I thought this miniseries what pretty good, but that was probably just because I thought I was going to hate it. I don't think I would mind finishing this or maybe even watching another episode some time.


  1. Yes it seems like the baby scene caught the attention of many, but the possible 9/11 reference is one that went over my head until it was pointed out to me.

  2. It's definitely like 9/11. And I think that in a lot of ways it pointed out a problem with America. We have a lot of protections against foreign attacks, but one we didn't expect was the planes.

    I think that this illustrates that we are propetually one step behind the enemy. And we can't catch up, because we're too busy looking around at our stuff.

  3. I agree, women have this weird power over men. It kind of reminds me about how, in "Firefly," Mal married that one chick and she completely fogged his mind and his ability to make reasonable judgments. As Rommel said in his blog, women use sex to manipulate men and to get what they want, and that was definitely how Number Six chose to get what she/it wanted.

  4. Just like you said "I don't think I would mind finishing this or maybe even watching another episode some time. " For me, I don't think I would mind to stop watching this or maybe stop watch this show.

  5. I though it was absolutely nuts how chaotic everything was after the first attack. It was probably attributed to the fact that there were a ridiculous amount of nukes going off at one time.
