Sunday, November 15, 2009

Normal Again

I thought this episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer was by far the most interesting one that I have seen yet. In this episode Buffy was presented with a huge conflict. She had to decide what was real and what wasn't. There were two realities that she could choose from. The first, was that she was the vampire slayer and Sunnydale was real. The second option, was that Buffy was a patient in a mental institution who made Sunnydale and being a slayer up. Both of these options were very tempting for her. In the first, there was everything she knew and believed to be real. After 6 years of this life it is hard to turn away and believe that it isn't real. In the second reality, Buffy's parents were both there. This really made Buffy struggle with her decision because she had not seen both of her parents together in a very long time. Buffy then makes the decision to get rid of her friends in Sunnydale so she wouldn't be tempted to go back to that world. After almost killing her friends, Buffy finally realizes which world she wants to live in. In the end she chooses Sunnydale over her parents and sets her friends free. I think that any person woud have made the same decision that Buffy made because it is what they know and what they are comfortable with.


  1. I like your thoughts on this episode. I also thought it was the most interesting out of all the Buffy episodes that we have seen so far because it gave us a whole different perspective on the show. It provided us with another side of Buffy, one that refers back to her past. She had to cope with what she experienced and basically remember it again, except this time, she had to determine what was real and what was not.

  2. I agree, it was the best Buffy episode i've ever watched. It had such a twist on it that was unlike an other episode.
