Sunday, November 8, 2009

commonplace paper problem

The problem with my paper is that I don't know where to start. I have a paragraph explaining the show Next by MTV and I'm not sure if I should start with this or if I should introduce my topic more first. I want to talk about how magazines and television degrade men and women and how people try to change themselves to be like those people they see. This can cause serious health issues.
Another problem I'm having is where to put Buffy back into my paper. I seem to base a lot of it on the show Next and I'm not sure where buffy fits into my paper anymore.


  1. I think that your paper has potential to be very strong. It's very relevant and timely. I would say when you start your paper off, you should introduce your topic first then go into the MTV show, just so that the reader's know what they are reading about. Other than that, I'd say you've got a great start.

  2. Well only put Buffy in if it helps the timeliness or relevance to your paper. Our research topic doesnt have to be such a big part of the commonplace paper.

  3. I don't think that your entire paper has to be based on Buffy. You could compare some of your findings in Buffy to similar findings in tv shows such as next. This way, your paper will flow very nicely and you will have multiple sources of evidence backing up your claims.

  4. If you wanted, the most opportune time to present Buffy in your paper would be the very beginning. I would say that this would have the least effect on your paper and that it would definatly allow the reader to see where you're pulling your topic from.
