Thursday, November 5, 2009

Commonplace Proposal

For my commonplace paper I am thinking about writing about how guys want the kind of girls that they see in magazines. They have this idea in their heads about the perfect girl, and they won't except anything less. Instead of guys liking a nice girl, they would rather lust after an unobtainable girl. Girls should not have to change their bodies to look like the girls in the magazines to get a guys attention. You see tv shows like MTV's Next, where a guy can look at a girl and simply say next, and another girl will come out for a date with him. This is degrading to women, because this is based purely on looks. If the guy would have stopped to have a conversation with the girl he may have found that she was very smart and had a great sense of humor. I want to relate this back to my analytical research paper by using supporting evidence from my episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Xander's lust for Buffy supports my thesis that guys want what they can't have and have an idea of the ideal woman that they want.


  1. I think this is a very neat topic here because the argument of what men visualize when they want a woman is far more than what a woman expect. Sometimes, girls try too hard to impress a guy and then the whole idea becomes twisted. Buffy has some insecurity issues and you can definitely write a good paper by comparing and contrasting.

  2. In think that this is really timely. Some guys now determine who they want to be seen with because of how certian girls look. They could be dating the dumbest bimbo in town, but as long as she's gorgeous, he doesn't care. Al lot of times they might get rejected because they don't realize that the girls also have brains and they don't want to date someone who is drooling all over them.

  3. I think you have a really good topic for your paper. You can really go in depth about it and your topic is really relevant when you bring up the tv show "Next."

  4. I think that this topic is very timely and relevant :). What you said is true, however, I think that you should also look at this from a guy's point of view. There are plenty of magazines that girls read that portray the "perfect" guy and I feel as though both guys and girls are trying equally as hard to try and impress the opposite sex and be that perfect person that they think the opposite sex desires.

  5. I think is such a good idea to write about for common place. It's interesting and a lot of people have different opinions on the topic.I feel as though it will never truelly change, but I think today it worse because of tv and music. Especially music videos. Few women on tv are real. I'm getting so sick of dating shows that just degrate women and let men sit back and pick women out of group. Good topic!

  6. This is definately a timely topic for commonplace. You could pull in so many outside examples from the media and magazines today in order to back up your arguement.

  7. This is a cool idea and very easy to relate to society and make compelling. I think you could go further beyond just what happens and show what that does to girls—how it gives us unreal expectations for ourselves and can lead to really dangerous diseases.
